Wine Wednesday ~ Pinot Noir

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Pinot Noir    by Marty Cook Our next Wine Wednesday takes place on May 26th at 7:00 p.m. Eastern/New York time, and focuses on Pinot Noir, the red grape whose clusters loosely approximate the shape of a pinecone (the name is derived from the French words for pine and black).  This difficult-to-grow cool climate grape gives winegrowers…


Wine Wednesday ~ Rhône Whites & Reds

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Rhône Whites & Reds      by Marty Cook The Rhône wine region of France has been making wine for over 2000 years.  The area is broken up into the Northern Rhône and the Southern Rhône, and the history and wines of the entire area is well-documented.  The Northern Rhône wines are exclusively red wines made primarily from the Syrah grape, while the Southern Rhône region is…


Wine Wednesday ~ Iberian Peninsula

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Wines of the Iberian Peninsula       by Marty Cook The Iberian Peninsula can lay claim to a rich and diverse history and culture. Home to two maritime nations that spawned many explorers and Conquistadors that, rightfully or wrongfully, settled an enormous portion of the globe in centuries past, and the destination of choice for many of…


Washington State Wines: A Geology Overview and AVA Update

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by Joe Via ------ Hello everyone. This is Joe Via, and it’s been a while since I last did a virtual presentation.  My next virtual tasting is scheduled on Sunday, June 13th at 3:30 p.m. Eastern/New York Time.  I’m really excited, as this topic is one of my personal favorites.  At a quick pace, we…


Wine Wednesday ~ Wines from Regions/Wineries You Visited

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Wines from Regions/Wineries You have Visited     by Marty Cook It is likely that all of us have visited a winery or a number of wineries in various wine regions.  These explorations are tremendous fun!  And, each winery and wine region introduce you to a number of wines from which to draw conclusions. Virtually every winery…


Wine Wednesday ~ Eastern American Wines (Maine to the Rockies and Michigan to Texas)

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Wine Wednesday         by Marty Cook The work week is dragging on and you are half of the way to the weekend.  Wednesday, or “Hump Day”, as it is commonly called.  You need a little pick-me-up.  Something more than a beer, some dinner, and a sitcom.  You have been practicing some form of sheltering-in-place for…


Cava – A Look at the New Laws

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CAVA: the Spanish Sparkler and Updated Winemaking Regs     by Joe Via The wine laws in Spain are changing to identify and dictate regional geography boundaries to distinguish the Cava production D.O.’s., Denominación de Origen, i.e., where the grapes are grown. There is not just one production zone, but four. Two now also have sub-zones. In…


Wine Wednesday ~ “Summertime Sippers”

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Wine Wednesday         by Marty Cook The work week is dragging on and you are half of the way to the weekend.  Wednesday, or “Hump Day”, as it is commonly called.  You need a little pick-me-up.  Something more than a beer, some dinner, and a sitcom.  You have been practicing some form of sheltering-in-place for…


Wine Wednesday ~ Burgundy Whites and Reds

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----------by Marty Cook---------- Burgundy. Thought of as a color. Also synonymous with a wine. Burgundy is, first and foremost, a place. Located in France, Burgundy is arguably the most significant wine-growing region in the world. Renowned for its highly prized red wines made primarily from Pinot Noir, Burgundy (the place) also encompasses a region in…


Cool Australia

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Cool Australia (Cooler Climate Australian Wines)      by Marty Cook Australia. A single nation island Continent. Vast, mysterious, unique, and hot. Much of the interior of Australia is arid, desert land. The continental heat index is further exacerbated by the proximity of Australia to the hole in the atmospheric ozone layer, although that trend has been…


Wine Wednesday ~ Sauvignon Blanc

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Sauvignon Blanc       by Marty Cook This week’s installment of Wine Wednesday takes place on July 14th at 7:00 p.m. Eastern/New York Time on the Zoom link shown below and features wines made from the Sauvignon Blanc grape.  Known as one of the small handful of Noble Grapes, and doubling as one of the parents to…


Wine Wednesday ~ Syrah

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Syrah     by Marty Cook Syrah. One of the handful of the six or seven Noble Grapes, depending upon whose list you read. The Noble Grapes as an aggregate make the dominant proportion of fine wines around the world. This is partially as a result of these grapes being hardy enough to grow in most wine…
