Women in Wine Luncheon – Limited SEATS Available

Greystone Public House 2120 Colonial Rd, Harrisburg, PA, United States

This event was sold out but had two late cancellations.   Contact the Treasurer to check availability. Mark noon March 23rd on your calendar to celebrate International Women’s History Month with the Pennsylvania Wine Society’s wine luncheon at Greystone Public House featuring wines from wineries in which women play prominent roles.  Chef Jason Viscount has developed…

Tiny Bubbles… Champagne Brunch

Greystone Public House 2120 Colonial Rd, Harrisburg, PA, United States

"Pour the Champagne and let its mousse rise, like thousands of sparkling smiling eyes." - Jared Brown   Esteemed for its freshness, vitality, and sensuality, champagne is a wine of great complexity.  It is exciting to try new Champagnes. This year’s event has wines not standard shelf, a good thing with Champagne, as with most…

Champagne Brunch

Greystone Public House 2120 Colonial Rd, Harrisburg, PA, United States

Last Day to Register – Sunday, November 27th Going, going, gone!  Seats to the Champagne Brunch on December 4 are almost sold out and the time to buy the remaining seats ends soon.  You do not want to miss this Champagne and small plates event at Greystone Public House.  The Champagnes have been specially selected…

$115 – $140