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VIRTUAL Wine Tasting Event – Beaujolais Nouveau and Holiday Wine & Food Pairing
November 22, 2020 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

It is that time of year when the bounty of the harvest has been realized, the hard work of processing that harvest is largely behind us, and it is now a time to celebrate and give thanks! The celebration traditionally begins on the third Thursday of November, when Beaujolais Nouveau is released for consumption worldwide on what has become known as “Beaujolais Nouveau Day”!
Beaujolais Nouveau is the first wine of the new harvest. It is a young, fresh, and fruity, almost “gulpable” wine that provides a delightful spark to the post-harvest celebration! During our Virtual Wine Tasting event, we will discuss the history of Beaujolais Nouveau, and the vinification process behind it, as we taste three of these first wines of the new harvest with you! We will also discuss other suggested wine pairings to compliment your Thanksgiving table, from hors d’oeuvres to dessert! So, please join co-hosts Marty Cook and Joe Via for this exciting event!
You will have to be quick to select the following wines for this event, as they will not be released to the public for purchase until the morning of Thursday, November 19th. You will have a little over three days to secure these wines from 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, November 19th through shortly before our Virtual Wine Tasting on Sunday, November 22nd; so, mark your calendars!
Purchase one, two, or all three of the following wines in advance of this tasting, and serve slightly chilled, i.e. just under room temperature between, say, 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit:
PLCB Code #83336 ~
Pierre-Marie Chermette Beaujolais Nouveau Primeur Griottes 2020
$14.99 + sales tax
PLCB Code #83325 ~
Mommessin Beaujolais Nouveau 2020
$14.99 + sales tax
PLCB Code #5877 ~
Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau 2020
$12.99 + sales tax
PLEASE NOTE: PLCB Fine Wine & Good Spirits stores offer “Curbside Pickup”. Call ahead to one of the Premium locations to order by phone, after which you can pick up your purchase at your convenience.
ZOOM Details Below
Topic: 11.22.2020 “Beaujolais Nouveau and Holiday Wine & Food Pairing”
Time: Sunday Nov 22, 2020 @ 03:15 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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